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Florecilla Roja(フロレンシア・ロハ)- Mother's day

EVA素材で作った赤、緑、黄色のお花 サイズ:80mm ジャケットやスカーフ、バッグに彩りを添えます。 Flower made with EVA (a very famous material in Spain now), in red, green and yellow. Size: 80 mm It's a brooch that you can put on your jacket, scarf, or bag to decorate them.
EVA素材で作った赤、緑、黄色のお花 サイズ:80mm ジャケットやスカーフ、バッグに彩りを添えます。 Flower made with EVA (a very famous material in Spain now), in red, green and yellow. Size: 80 mm It's a brooch that you can put on your jacket, scarf, or bag to decorate them.