ハンドメイドマーケット minne(ミンネ)

Opalescent Catherine Wheel

オパールの入ったペンダントです。金24カラット、99.9銀を使用。 This pendant is made from borosilicate glass 24kt gold and 99.9 silver. The silver and gold are fumed in layers over the glass and clear glass, and a CFL shifting color dots are applied. This means that the colors will change depending on your light source. I will much more pink in fluorescent light, and have a more yellow tint in natural light and LED light. Not to mention the color of your clothes will also change the colors too! Disclaimer: There Is Something Wrong With The Pictures On Creema's Page, For Better Pictures Visit My instagram page. @ lucas.mahoney or @ hanabiglassstudio
オパールの入ったペンダントです。金24カラット、99.9銀を使用。 This pendant is made from borosilicate glass 24kt gold and 99.9 silver. The silver and gold are fumed in layers over the glass and clear glass, and a CFL shifting color dots are applied. This means that the colors will change depending on your light source. I will much more pink in fluorescent light, and have a more yellow tint in natural light and LED light. Not to mention the color of your clothes will also change the colors too! Disclaimer: There Is Something Wrong With The Pictures On Creema's Page, For Better Pictures Visit My instagram page. @ lucas.mahoney or @ hanabiglassstudio