ハンドメイドマーケット minne(ミンネ)

For Overseas Customers

You can now order from minne overseas. No knowledge of Japanese is needed because we'll handle everything, with answers for any questions you might have in your language. If you have any questions about minne, then the overseas concierge service WorldShopping or Bibian can help you, so please use the link below. ※If you are purchasing from Taiwan, please contact to Bibian. ▶ https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ogb0c2QzhgQ *** ■ 英語 You can now order from minne overseas. No knowledge of Japanese is needed because we'll handle everything, with answers for any questions you might have in your language. ■ 中国語(繁体字) 您可以從海外購買minne的作品。 如果您對作品有任何疑問,海外代理服務將以每個國家/地區的語言為您服務。 ■ 中国語(簡体字) 您可以从海外购买minne的作品。 如果您对作品有任何疑问,海外代理服务将以每个国家/地区的语言为您服务。 ■ 韓国語 minne의 작품은 해외에서도 구입이 가능합니다. 작품에 관한 문의 사항은 지역에 따른 언어로 서포트하고 구입까지 고객을 대신하여 실시하므로 일본어를 모르셔도 괜찮습니다. ■ 日本語 minneの作品は海外から購入できます。 作品に関する不安な点は地域に応じた言語でサポートし、購入までをお客様に代わって行いますので日本語の知識は不要です。
You can now order from minne overseas. No knowledge of Japanese is needed because we'll handle everything, with answers for any questions you might have in your language. If you have any questions about minne, then the overseas concierge service WorldShopping or Bibian can help you, so please use the link below. ※If you are purchasing from Taiwan, please contact to Bibian. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ogb0c2QzhgQ *** ■ 英語 You can now order from minne overseas. No knowledge of Japanese is needed because we'll handle everything, with answers for any questions you might have in your language. ■ 中国語(繁体字) 您可以從海外購買minne的作品。 如果您對作品有任何疑問,海外代理服務將以每個國家/地區的語言為您服務。 ■ 中国語(簡体字) 您可以从海外购买minne的作品。 如果您对作品有任何疑问,海外代理服务将以每个国家/地区的语言为您服务。 ■ 韓国語 minne의 작품은 해외에서도 구입이 가능합니다. 작품에 관한 문의 사항은 지역에 따른 언어로 서포트하고 구입까지 고객을 대신하여 실시하므로 일본어를 모르셔도 괜찮습니다. ■ 日本語 minneの作品は海外から購入できます。 作品に関する不安な点は地域に応じた言語でサポートし、購入までをお客様に代わって行いますので日本語の知識は不要です。