ハンドメイドマーケット minne(ミンネ)

浴衣ジレ 水色に蜻蛉と桜 袖なし羽織  Yukata gilet light blue with spider and cherry blossom sleeveless haori

中古浴衣で作ったジレです 夏の暑い時期に体系を隠すために上着を着てましたが暑く、何とか涼しくならないかな 和柄が好きなので浴衣で何か作れないかなと作ったお品です 夏は無地黒のTシャツにレギンスの上にこの浴衣ジレだけ羽織ってます 実際に着てみての感想 ・羽織っているだけなので風が通り涼しい ・着痩せする ・浴衣柄で気分が上がる ・周りの人からよくどこで買ったのか?素敵と言ってもらえる ・浴衣が着たいけど暑くて着れない でも関わりたい ・綿素材なので洗濯しやすく、乾きやすい ・普段使わない色も柄に入ってるので楽しい 羽織るだけでなく太めのベルトや半幅帯、帯ベルトを締めてもおしゃれになります 前を閉めて浴衣風に 閉めずにわざと開けるとおしゃれな感じに アクセサリーをつけて前をとめるのもいいです この浴衣ジレの為に作って羽織紐も後日、販売します 猛暑の夏に浴衣柄の涼しさを楽しんでみませんか? ※掲載写真の最初2枚がお品の写真です 残りの写真、3・4・5枚目は洋服Mサイズ着用者の着用例です 6・7・8枚目は洋服4Lサイズ着用者の着用例です It is a gilet made from a used yukata I wore a jacket to hide my system during the hot summer months, but it was hot and I wondered if it would be cool somehow. I like Japanese patterns, so I wondered if I could make something with a yukata. In summer, I wear only this yukata gilet over a plain black T-shirt and leggings. Impressions of actually wearing it ・ Since you are just wearing it, the wind passes through and it is cool. ・ Wear thin ・ Yukata pattern makes you feel better ・Where did you often buy it from the people around you? You can say it's nice ・ I want to wear a yukata, but I can't wear it because it's hot But I want to get involved ・Since it is made of cotton, it is easy to wash and dry. ・ It's fun because the pattern includes colors that you don't usually use. It will be fashionable not only to wear it but also to tighten a thick belt, half-width obi, or obi belt. Close the front and make it yukata style If you open it on purpose without closing it, it will look fashionable. It is also good to put on accessories and stop in front I will make it for this yukata gilet and sell the haori string at a later date. Why don't you enjoy the coolness of the yukata pattern in the scorching summer? * The first 2 photos are photos of the item. The remaining photos, 3, 4, and 5, are examples of wearing M size clothes. The 6th,7th, and 8th sheets are examples of wearing 4L size clothes. Use Google Translate
中古浴衣で作ったジレです 夏の暑い時期に体系を隠すために上着を着てましたが暑く、何とか涼しくならないかな 和柄が好きなので浴衣で何か作れないかなと作ったお品です 夏は無地黒のTシャツにレギンスの上にこの浴衣ジレだけ羽織ってます 実際に着てみての感想 ・羽織っているだけなので風が通り涼しい ・着痩せする ・浴衣柄で気分が上がる ・周りの人からよくどこで買ったのか?素敵と言ってもらえる ・浴衣が着たいけど暑くて着れない でも関わりたい ・綿素材なので洗濯しやすく、乾きやすい ・普段使わない色も柄に入ってるので楽しい 羽織るだけでなく太めのベルトや半幅帯、帯ベルトを締めてもおしゃれになります 前を閉めて浴衣風に 閉めずにわざと開けるとおしゃれな感じに アクセサリーをつけて前をとめるのもいいです この浴衣ジレの為に作って羽織紐も後日、販売します 猛暑の夏に浴衣柄の涼しさを楽しんでみませんか? ※掲載写真の最初2枚がお品の写真です 残りの写真、3・4・5枚目は洋服Mサイズ着用者の着用例です 6・7・8枚目は洋服4Lサイズ着用者の着用例です It is a gilet made from a used yukata I wore a jacket to hide my system during the hot summer months, but it was hot and I wondered if it would be cool somehow. I like Japanese patterns, so I wondered if I could make something with a yukata. In summer, I wear only this yukata gilet over a plain black T-shirt and leggings. Impressions of actually wearing it ・ Since you are just wearing it, the wind passes through and it is cool. ・ Wear thin ・ Yukata pattern makes you feel better ・Where did you often buy it from the people around you? You can say it's nice ・ I want to wear a yukata, but I can't wear it because it's hot But I want to get involved ・Since it is made of cotton, it is easy to wash and dry. ・ It's fun because the pattern includes colors that you don't usually use. It will be fashionable not only to wear it but also to tighten a thick belt, half-width obi, or obi belt. Close the front and make it yukata style If you open it on purpose without closing it, it will look fashionable. It is also good to put on accessories and stop in front I will make it for this yukata gilet and sell the haori string at a later date. Why don't you enjoy the coolness of the yukata pattern in the scorching summer? * The first 2 photos are photos of the item. The remaining photos, 3, 4, and 5, are examples of wearing M size clothes. The 6th,7th, and 8th sheets are examples of wearing 4L size clothes. Use Google Translate








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