When I found this decoration item online, I was absolutely enchanted, but a bit worried about safety of payment and delivery time. As the payment method was through Amazon, I felt comfortable to buy and sent a message to the seller asking to send it as soon as possible, because I'm a tourist staying for a very short period in Japan. Then unfortunately something happened that the pack did not reach at the date expected by the seller, so regardless the cost, (s)he sent another pack to assure that I would receive the item anyway. This second arrived alright, and after a while, the first was also delivered, and (s)he let it be as a gift!
I was so enchanted with the item, but now I'm enchanted and very thankful also for ms/mr junmanyu's omotenashi and absolutely lovely attitude to attend me even at a higher cost! What a big heart!
I do recommend this seller and the product, and if there was an option to add 5 extra stars in the evaluation of this review, I'd surely add them!