Tsumami zaiku is a traditional Japanese craft that was born during the Edo period. It has been designated a Traditional Craft of Tokyo. A piece of cloth that has been cut into a square shape is folded with a pair of tweezers, and with the help of glue it is made into various shapes like plants or animals.
这件作品是一种名为“tsumami zaiku”的日本传统工艺品。是诞生于江户时代的日本传统工艺品。 它已被指定为东京传统工艺品。 将一块剪成方形的布用镊子折叠起来,借助粘合剂将其制成植物或动物等各种形状。
Tsumami zaiku is a traditional Japanese craft that was born during the Edo period. It has been designated a Traditional Craft of Tokyo. A piece of cloth that has been cut into a square shape is folded with a pair of tweezers, and with the help of glue it is made into various shapes like plants or animals.
这件作品是一种名为“tsumami zaiku”的日本传统工艺品。是诞生于江户时代的日本传统工艺品。 它已被指定为东京传统工艺品。 将一块剪成方形的布用镊子折叠起来,借助粘合剂将其制成植物或动物等各种形状。