ハンドメイドマーケット minne(ミンネ)

グレー★フェザーテープ フェザー 羽 羽根 生地 ハンドメイド クラフト 素材 手芸 ドレス Gray★Feather Tape Feather

●長さ1ヤード(約91cm) ●フェザーの長さ約15cm ●ターキーフェザー ☆ご購入のご注意☆ ●現地メーカーのロットにより、若干の色の違いがあります。 ●ご覧いただいている環境や、光の具合により実物と多少の違いが出ることがあります。 ●実物に近い写真を使用していますが、実物とは多少の違いがあります。ご了承ください。 ●フェザーを染色したものです。海外製品ですので、色ムラや色落ち、抜け落ちる場合がありますので完璧を求める方のご購入はご遠慮ください。 ●ご購入後、お支払いの確認ができたお客様から、2日以内に発送(土日祝除く)、なるべく早く対応します。 袋に入れてお届けします。 袋から出すと空気を含んでふわふわに膨らみます。 #素材 #材料 #生地 #衣装 #ドレス #フェザー #フェザーブレード #羽 #羽根 #ハンドメイド #アクセサリーパーツ #パーツ #ハンドメイド素材 #各種パーツ #Ate.veronica素材shop Length: 1 yard (approx. 91 cm) Feather length: approx. 15 cm Turkey feathers Caution ☆☆☆Please note the following There is a slight difference in color depending on the lot of the local manufacturer. There may be some differences from the real thing depending on the environment in which you are viewing it and the condition of the light. The photograph close to the real thing is used, but there is a little difference from the real thing. Please understand it. It is a thing that dyed feathers. Because it is an overseas product, please refrain from the purchase of the person who seeks perfection because there is the case that color irregularity and color fade, and it falls out. We will ship within 2 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays) from the customer whose payment has been confirmed after purchase, and we will respond as soon as possible. The product will be delivered in a bag. When you take it out of the bag, it will inflate with air and become fluffy. #Material #Material #dough #Costume #dress #feather #feather braid #feather #feather #Handmade #accessory parts #handmade #accessory #parts #Handmade materials #Parts #Ate.veronica material shop
●長さ1ヤード(約91cm) ●フェザーの長さ約15cm ●ターキーフェザー ☆ご購入のご注意☆ ●現地メーカーのロットにより、若干の色の違いがあります。 ●ご覧いただいている環境や、光の具合により実物と多少の違いが出ることがあります。 ●実物に近い写真を使用していますが、実物とは多少の違いがあります。ご了承ください。 ●フェザーを染色したものです。海外製品ですので、色ムラや色落ち、抜け落ちる場合がありますので完璧を求める方のご購入はご遠慮ください。 ●ご購入後、お支払いの確認ができたお客様から、2日以内に発送(土日祝除く)、なるべく早く対応します。 袋に入れてお届けします。 袋から出すと空気を含んでふわふわに膨らみます。 #素材 #材料 #生地 #衣装 #ドレス #フェザー #フェザーブレード #羽 #羽根 #ハンドメイド #アクセサリーパーツ #パーツ #ハンドメイド素材 #各種パーツ #Ate.veronica素材shop Length: 1 yard (approx. 91 cm) Feather length: approx. 15 cm Turkey feathers Caution ☆☆☆Please note the following There is a slight difference in color depending on the lot of the local manufacturer. There may be some differences from the real thing depending on the environment in which you are viewing it and the condition of the light. The photograph close to the real thing is used, but there is a little difference from the real thing. Please understand it. It is a thing that dyed feathers. Because it is an overseas product, please refrain from the purchase of the person who seeks perfection because there is the case that color irregularity and color fade, and it falls out. We will ship within 2 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays) from the customer whose payment has been confirmed after purchase, and we will respond as soon as possible. The product will be delivered in a bag. When you take it out of the bag, it will inflate with air and become fluffy. #Material #Material #dough #Costume #dress #feather #feather braid #feather #feather #Handmade #accessory parts #handmade #accessory #parts #Handmade materials #Parts #Ate.veronica material shop








●フェザーを染色したものです。海外製品ですので、色ムラや色落ち、抜け落ちる場合がありますので完璧を求める方のご購入はご遠慮ください。 Length: 1 yard (approx. 91 cm) Feather length: approx. 15 cm Turkey feathers Caution ☆☆☆Please note the following There is a slight difference in color depending on the lot of the local manufacturer. There may be some differences from the real thing depending on the environment in which you are viewing it and the condition of the light. The photograph close to the real thing is used, but there is a little difference from the real thing. Please understand it. It is a thing that dyed feathers. Because it is an overseas product, please refrain from the purchase of the person who seeks perfection because there is the case that color irregularity and color fade, and it falls out. We will ship within 2 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays) from the customer whose payment has been confirmed after purchase, and we will respond as soon as possible. The product will be delivered in a bag. When you take it out of the bag, it will inflate with air and become fluffy. #Material #Material #dough #Costume #dress #feather #feather braid #feather #feather #Handmade #accessory parts #handmade #accessory #parts #Handmade materials #Parts #Ate.veronica material shop