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うすむらさき大振袖 花柄 1/6ドールサイズ

大阪日本橋で購入した中古の正絹小紋の着物をほどいて1/6ドールサイズで振袖を作りました、衣紋がきれいに抜けるように腰ひも付きです。 帯結びはふくら雀の結びにしました、正面から見て肩越しに帯が少し見えるところにこだわりました。 子ども達に幼いころから着物に慣れ親しんでほしいと思い作りました、また海外へのお土産にいかがでしょうか。 (※着物と帯のみの販売になります、人形は付属されません) I made Oofurisode*-style kimono in Licca doll size, resizing "Shoken" pure silk kimono obtained in authentic komono store in Osaka Nippombashi. *long-sleeved Kimono which was made for young ladies in the past. Now Japanese ladies also take on this kimono when they participate a formal cerebration such as Coming of Age day ceremony. I attached a waist strap, to make the "Emon", Kimono's collar, well appear with Japanese kimono style (the collar can be slipped off neatly from her neck). I tied the obi in a fukurasuzume knot, and I was particular about making sure that the obi could be seen a little over the shoulder when viewed from the front (this is also Jpanese kimono style). I made this because I wanted my children to become familiar with kimono from an early age, and I believe it would also be nice as a souvenir to take overseas. (*Only the kimono and obi are attached. The doll is not included) 我将在大阪日本桥的正宗菰乃商店购买的“正絹”纯丝和服调整尺寸,制作了 利卡娃娃尺寸的 大振袖* 式和服。 *过去为年轻女士制作的长袖和服。 现在,日本女士在参加成人仪式等正式庆祝活动时也会穿着这种和服。 我附加了一条腰带,使和服的领子“衣紋”很好地呈现出日本和服的风格(领子可以从脖子上整齐地滑落)。 我将腰带打成袋结,并且特别注意确保从正面看时可以看到腰带稍微越过肩膀(这也是日本和服的风格)。 我之所以做这个是因为我想让我的孩子从小就熟悉和服,而且我相信作为纪念品带到海外也很不错。 (*仅附和服和腰带。不包括娃娃)
大阪日本橋で購入した中古の正絹小紋の着物をほどいて1/6ドールサイズで振袖を作りました、衣紋がきれいに抜けるように腰ひも付きです。 帯結びはふくら雀の結びにしました、正面から見て肩越しに帯が少し見えるところにこだわりました。 子ども達に幼いころから着物に慣れ親しんでほしいと思い作りました、また海外へのお土産にいかがでしょうか。 (※着物と帯のみの販売になります、人形は付属されません) I made Oofurisode*-style kimono in Licca doll size, resizing "Shoken" pure silk kimono obtained in authentic komono store in Osaka Nippombashi. *long-sleeved Kimono which was made for young ladies in the past. Now Japanese ladies also take on this kimono when they participate a formal cerebration such as Coming of Age day ceremony. I attached a waist strap, to make the "Emon", Kimono's collar, well appear with Japanese kimono style (the collar can be slipped off neatly from her neck). I tied the obi in a fukurasuzume knot, and I was particular about making sure that the obi could be seen a little over the shoulder when viewed from the front (this is also Jpanese kimono style). I made this because I wanted my children to become familiar with kimono from an early age, and I believe it would also be nice as a souvenir to take overseas. (*Only the kimono and obi are attached. The doll is not included) 我将在大阪日本桥的正宗菰乃商店购买的“正絹”纯丝和服调整尺寸,制作了 利卡娃娃尺寸的 大振袖* 式和服。 *过去为年轻女士制作的长袖和服。 现在,日本女士在参加成人仪式等正式庆祝活动时也会穿着这种和服。 我附加了一条腰带,使和服的领子“衣紋”很好地呈现出日本和服的风格(领子可以从脖子上整齐地滑落)。 我将腰带打成袋结,并且特别注意确保从正面看时可以看到腰带稍微越过肩膀(这也是日本和服的风格)。 我之所以做这个是因为我想让我的孩子从小就熟悉和服,而且我相信作为纪念品带到海外也很不错。 (*仅附和服和腰带。不包括娃娃)







