山手線沿線の有名なスポットにプラレール を置いて撮影しました。どこで撮っているかをクイズ形式にしているので、何問正解できるかチャレンジしよう!
182mm×182mm 無線綴じ オフセット印刷
I placed Plarail at famous spots along the Yamanote Line and took photos. It's in the form of a quiz about where the photos were taken, so how many questions can you get right?
This is a photo picture book for children, but adults can enjoy it too.
182mm x 182mm Perfect bound Offset printing
84 pages
山手線沿線の有名なスポットにプラレール を置いて撮影しました。どこで撮っているかをクイズ形式にしているので、何問正解できるかチャレンジしよう!
182mm×182mm 無線綴じ オフセット印刷
I placed Plarail at famous spots along the Yamanote Line and took photos. It's in the form of a quiz about where the photos were taken, so how many questions can you get right?
This is a photo picture book for children, but adults can enjoy it too.
182mm x 182mm Perfect bound Offset printing
84 pages