ハンドメイドマーケット minne(ミンネ)

w157 Petal Silver Wave Stick Flower gold Earrings Wedding, Bridal, Ceremony, Reception,

★ At judy.b, we carefully create accessories that make your heart sparkle and flutter. Please pay attention to the shipping period when making a purchase. This accessory features a gold wave stick with delicate petals that gently sway, creating a voluminous and elegant design. It is the perfect accessory for weddings, coming-of-age ceremonies, or graduation ceremonies. The lightweight feel is also a lovely bonus. Total length: approximately 10 cm ★ Change of hardware ★ • Regular earrings: Titanium post • ◯ Allergy-friendly titanium post (the post part is made of black metal) • ◯ Resin earring change • ◯ Screw-back earrings ★ Material ★ • Alloy ★ Allergy Gel Coating ★ The effect is not long-term, but the coating can be applied to the entire piece. ★ Gift Wrapping is simple and minimal. ★ This large and eye-catching accessory is perfect not only for weddings, parties, and being invited to events but also as a daily accent to your outfits. Please read the “Purchase Notes” and make sure you understand them before making your purchase. Perfect for weddings, bridal, birthday presents, Christmas, large earrings, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, graduation ceremonies, entrance ceremonies, parties, events, fashion, invitations, coming-of-age ceremonies, Christmas gifts, after-parties, bridesmaids, antiques, pre-wedding photos, and receptions. Judy.b “Regarding International Shipping” We do offer international shipping. Please note that shipping fees and delivery times may vary depending on your location. If you need more specific information, feel free to contact us directly. Let me know if this is what you were looking for or if you need more detailed information! https://minne.com/@wsbiz
★ At judy.b, we carefully create accessories that make your heart sparkle and flutter. Please pay attention to the shipping period when making a purchase. This accessory features a gold wave stick with delicate petals that gently sway, creating a voluminous and elegant design. It is the perfect accessory for weddings, coming-of-age ceremonies, or graduation ceremonies. The lightweight feel is also a lovely bonus. Total length: approximately 10 cm ★ Change of hardware ★ • Regular earrings: Titanium post • ◯ Allergy-friendly titanium post (the post part is made of black metal) • ◯ Resin earring change • ◯ Screw-back earrings ★ Material ★ • Alloy ★ Allergy Gel Coating ★ The effect is not long-term, but the coating can be applied to the entire piece. ★ Gift Wrapping is simple and minimal. ★ This large and eye-catching accessory is perfect not only for weddings, parties, and being invited to events but also as a daily accent to your outfits. Please read the “Purchase Notes” and make sure you understand them before making your purchase. Perfect for weddings, bridal, birthday presents, Christmas, large earrings, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, graduation ceremonies, entrance ceremonies, parties, events, fashion, invitations, coming-of-age ceremonies, Christmas gifts, after-parties, bridesmaids, antiques, pre-wedding photos, and receptions. Judy.b “Regarding International Shipping” We do offer international shipping. Please note that shipping fees and delivery times may vary depending on your location. If you need more specific information, feel free to contact us directly. Let me know if this is what you were looking for or if you need more detailed information! https://minne.com/@wsbiz








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